Monday, March 24, 2008

5 Seconds Rule

In America, there's this existing rule: Whenever you drop your food on the floor/out from the plate, and you managed to pick it up before 5 seconds, then the food is still safe for you to eat.

This is according to my Aunt. So whenever my cousins drop something, they'll quickly count and pick them up. They're so cute aren't they? ^^

But unfortunately, Mythbusters busted the fact! HOHOHOHO!!!!

I didn't stick to their show all the way, but i kinda know how they proved it. Jamie and Adam used several ways, but i only know some: They used clean floor tiles as the surfaces so that there are same amount of bacterias. Then they used biscuits to stain the tiles. One biscuit is left to contact the surface for 3 seconds and 8 seconds for another one. After leaving the surface to react in the air for some time, they use i-dunno-what's-inside-the-small-round-plate, (sry i forgot science ady, i guess is some kinda chemical inside), and collected the bacteria found on that certain area and calculated it.*

Result showed that there is an equal amount of bacterias regardless to how long the food is contacted to the surface of the floor/table/chair. :O

So sayonara 5 Seconds Rule!

Next time i won't be bothered to count whenever i drop my food, since im going to eat away those bacterias. Anyway, at least it's fun to know about it. ^^

*Actual experiments are way more complex than what i've written. So apologies given if i contradict your ideas.